Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The poetry group's meeting

Once all were cozy
I started reading me poesy
in the dim-lit den
of a house with drawn blinds.

We brooked no interruption
from the noise and disruption
of the world in turmoil outside.

Just a little poesy,
with mayhap a nip of rosey,
as we sought some cheer for the ear.

But things have a way
of bringing a fray
when someone gets nosey.

So it was no surprise
when I came to surmise
a stranger snuck into our midst.

It was our vanity
to keep our sanity
by leaving warp and woof outside.

And here was this dude
with the potential for rude
interruption of our rosey and poesy.

But no posey lover
under cleverer cover
had ever darkened our door.                                             

For through fates unknown
into our midst he’d been thrown
to escape all the woofing and warping.

So we welcomed him as guest
perceiving his quest
to be one with ours perforce.

And we had quaffed enough rosey
to invite his initiation by poesy
so the test was laid out for him thusly:

You can join our merry band
and we’ll gladly lend a hand
if you can pass this one little test

Promise never to pitch
a line with a twitch
     “There once was a man from Nantucket…”